Hello there, another week full of work but I managed to work on multiple things, first of all the second sketch from the previous post has been updated with some fix:
probably it will remain this base, do you like it more?
Secondary for an imminent project with my self publishing reality we are working on an illustrated book and for it I need to learn to draw owls and other birds, fortunately last year I take some private lessons with a great italian plaeoartist:
PaleoPastori - Professional, Traditional Artist | DeviantArt ; unfortunately due to a giga amount of work I wasn't able to continue but those lessons was SO helpful, I'll share with you the result as for now of what I've learned sketching tons of owls this week, these are the highlights:
The result is a mix of learning how feathers move and works on the face and the "volume" of them with some toony deliberate interpretations.
the other one:
And that's all folks for this week!
as usual, cheers! :D